Thursday, February 8, 2018

The White (woman) Devil

    In the Huffington Post’s opinion piece, “White Women Who Enable Trump Do Not Deserve The Benefit Of Your Doubt,” author Jessie Daniels argues that white women are not only not victims of the current administration’s policies and political views, but they are actually among the creators and perpetrators of them. She discusses how white women are often portrayed as victims of Trump’s policies and misogynistic perspectives, but she points out that 53% of white women voted for Trump in the 2016 election as testament to their culpability. Daniels illuminates how white privilege and gender bias have helped white women fly under the radar for years and talks about this specifically in relation to the kid-gloved treatment of Kellyanne Conway and Ivanka Trump. Ultimately, she presents white women as the wolves in sheep’s clothing for the Trump era and says they will have blood on their hands for whatever fallout may come for the country as a result.

    The reason I believe this is such an important article is that it’s stripping away a false notion much of the nation has regarding white women and shining a light on how white women, myself included, have benefited from white privilege and gender bias in a way that no white woman is really comfortable admitting. It shows how this ugly truth was a big component in getting us into this Trump debacle and how it will have long-lasting effects for the nation. It’s long past time we address this issue, as uncomfortable as it may be.

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